Matthew 25:16-17
“Then he who had received the five talents went and traded with them, and made another five talents. And likewise he who had received two gained two more also.”
God wants us to increase and make profit from the gifts and talents He’s deposited in our lives. It is not God’s will that we become stagnant and unproductive. God always desires growth and expansion for whatever deposits He has put in our lives, and He celebrates when we judiciously and diligently apply ourselves to make profit.
There is a need for some level of aggression and persistence to bring about profitability, and unless we stretch ourselves, we will not experience the increase that God intends for us. Laziness is a curse and docility is the fruit of laziness. We must never confuse spiritual contentment with laziness. To be docile means to be unwilling to exert oneself, even for a righteous and good cause. Contentment means being satisfied with whatever God allows you to have, even as you give life your best shot. To increase and make profit is the nature of God and it’s part of God’s command to the first Man. Fruitfulness and multiplication is how the Book of Genesis puts it. So, whether it’s in spiritual or earthly things, let’s work to experience increase and growth in whatever God has deposited in us.
“Father, I refuse to be lazy or docile. I know you expect me to grow and expand, and make profit for myself and for the kingdom. Therefore Lord, I recommit to stretch myself further, under Your grace, so that I may not be marked as an unprofitable servant. I pray this, in Jesus name. Amen.”