Matthew 25:21
“His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’ ”
There is coming very soon, a Day of Accountability. It’s an exciting day for those who have utilized the gifts of God profitably, but it is also a dreaded day for those who have been lazy and laid back. The Day of God’s visitation is around the corner and we must be ready to give a detailed account of how we used the graces entrusted to us. For some, the feedback from the Lord will be, “Well done, good and faithful servant…enter the joy of your Lord;” while for some others, it will be, “cast the unprofitable servant into the outer darkness.”
Today is the day to work and decide how my Lord will respond to me on that Day. Today, I still have breath, hope and opportunity. Jesus called the unprofitable servant “wicked and lazy,” showing that laziness is wickedness because the lazy man fails to push himself into utilizing the graces already provided for him to use, for the ultimate increase of the Kingdom. So, I must work while it is day. I must exert myself while it is called today. A day is fast approaching when I must give an account, and my actions or inactions of today will determine the feedback I receive on that Day.
“My child, you cannot afford to give in now. I know you have labored hard and long and you desire to rest, but here and now is not the place for rest. Press forward. Squeeze yourself further. A day is coming when you will hear the voice of commendation. Then can you enter My rest and My full joy. But for now, keep pressing on.”