December 18, 2018

Matthew 25:29

“For to everyone who has, more will be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away.”

Herein is an interesting principle and paradox, and it doesn’t only apply to God’s ways in the kingdom life but it is a principle that works also in the secular world. For the man who makes good use of the gifts and talents given to him, more will be added unto him. A diligent and profitable man is a man of value to his organization. A man who steadfastly applies himself to grow the things committed to him, will be considered an asset to his company and more critical resources and duties will be added on to him. Growing your levels of personal stewardship of life and resources will lead to an increase in trust and responsibility. This is the law of life.

Unfortunately, this law also has a reverse side. For those who have, but act as though they do not have, what they had and despised or misused will be taken away from them and given to those who are profitable in the team. For those who do not apply diligence and resourcefulness to the things committed to them, they make themselves irrelevant. This is the simple law of life. Grow your diligence and stewardship and you grow your personal asset and net worth. Grow your carelessness and you unwittingly strip yourself of value and importance in the community. Whether in spiritual or secular things, this law of life applies.

“I can do nothing without Your help, O Lord. I pray therefore that You help strengthen me to be the best I can be in any given situation, for only through this, will my life be considered of relevance and value to my community. This I pray, in Jesus name. Amen.”


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