Matthew 26:6
“And when Jesus was in Bethany at the house of Simon the leper,”
Simon the leper, had been a leper but Jesus had already cleansed him, so why was he still being referred to as “the leper?” He was no longer a leper but the name had come to stay as a permanent identity to the man. There may have been several Simon’s in the town of Bethany but if you needed to know which Simon this man was, they would introduce him as “Simon the leper.” The stigma of his past remained attached to him because men do not easily forget the past, and they do not understand the power in the cleansing atonement of Christ.
I was a leper, but I am no longer a leper. I refuse to be identified as a leper even though I was a leper. The work of atonement and redemption is so complete that I know that heaven has no record of my past leprosy. The overhaul of the old man and the enthronement of the divine nature of Christ in me is a complete work of God. I refuse to accept the lies of men or of demons. You may want to look at me with the eyes of the past but I see myself with the eyes of God. There is no more stigma. I am not Simon the leper; I am Simon the cleansed and redeemed. Hallelujah. You also need to reject this stigma from your past life. It is no longer you; you are no longer a leper. Reject it!
“All the lies of hell cannot stop me from believing in whom You have made me to be. I am brand new, with a brand-new name and a brand-new nature. Thank You Jesus for the total work of redemption that leaves no remnant of Leprosy in me. Hallelujah. Amen Jesus. Amen.”