December 25, 2018

Matthew 26:17

“Now on the first day of the Feast of the Unleavened Bread the disciples came to Jesus, saying to Him, ‘Where do You want us to prepare for You to eat the Passover?’ ”

Discerning Jesus’ heart is not easy, but it’s doable. We are called to know the heart of our Master, even without Him saying it. The closer we get to Him, the easier it is to discern His heart and His mind; even if He has not expressly told us what He wants. This is the place I really want to be, a place of naturally discerning the mind of Christ.

In this passage, we see the disciples asking Jesus where He would want them to go and prepared the Passover meal for Him. They could not discern where He would want them to eat the Passover meal but they discerned He certainly wanted to eat that meal with them. We may not always know all the details in the heart of God but if we could discern the direction of His heart, He will fill in the rest for us. Our greatest need is to sense what Jesus really wants, and once we get that, He will lead us on from there. We must not however be presumptuous to think we know His mind, when we don’t. But the closer we get to Him, the more accurate our predictions become.

“I don’t want the religion of Christianity. I want to be close enough to You, so that I can feel Your heart, O Lord. Please Jesus, draw me away from the things and people that distract. Draw me deeper to You, that I may know You and know Your will. Amen.”


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