December 28, 2018

Matthew 26:21-22

“Now as they were eating, He said, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, one of you will betray Me.’ And they were exceedingly sorrowful, and each of them began to say to Him, ‘Lord, is it I?’ ”

By the grace of God, I am determined not to be the one who betrays Jesus. Because Jesus used the word, “assuredly,” we know that someone must betray Him and as the end of time draws nearer, more and more of God’s people will be tempted, enticed and forced to betray Jesus. But it doesn’t have to be me. Or you. We know that the love of many will grow cold and many shall fall aside, but we also know that grace will increase as surely as evil abounds on the earth. We know that God will not leave us alone with the tempter, but will make a way of escape for every temptation that comes our way. For this reason, I am confident that by the grace of God, I will not betray my faith or my Master.

I don’t think it had to be Judas who betrayed Jesus. It could have been Thomas or Nathaniel or Bartholomew. In fact, it could have been Peter or James or John. Judas did not appropriate the grace that was available to him. There is always enough grace to escape the fiery temptations that besiege our hearts and minds. There is always a way of escape. You don’t need to be the one to betray Jesus. I am determined not to be the one either. I can’t speak for others in the family of disciples, but surely enough as God’s Words cannot be broken, some disciples will betray Jesus; but it won’t be me.

“O God my Father, I will not betray You and I know You don’t want me to betray You, so I am praying in line with Your will for me. O God, give me an abundance of grace today and every day, in Jesus name. Amen.”


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