May 6, 2019

I am called to diffuse,

To reflect,

To disseminate SOMEONE.

Through diffusion, I am called to distribute an aroma.

I cannot pretend to be who I am not.

If my aroma is real, it can be picked up.

If I am soaked inside of Christ,

Then I bear the aroma of God in Christ,

And this aroma will naturally spread and be smelt by everyone close by.

I carry an aroma that both attracts and repels.

For those who are in Christ

(And love the ways of Christ),

My aroma should be an aroma of life,

An aroma of joy,

An aroma of peace,

An aroma that challenges them to seek more of Christ,

To want more of Christ.

When I am among those who hate Christ

(Or refuse to live within the lifestyle of Christ),

My aroma should bring a negative reaction.

Such persons must feel the condemnation that comes from Christ,

They know He loves them but their hearts judge them for their actions.

The aroma of Christ brings life and death.

The aroma of Christ diffuses naturally without effort.

The aroma of Christ draws in one and repels another.

The aroma of Christ brings attractions and rejections.

My greatest calling is not to preach great messages,

But to be so filled with Christ,

That His aroma naturally diffuses a perfume to everyone I meet.

I am tired to trying to prove a point,

When there’s no need to.

I cannot be friends to everyone.

Some will like me and some will hate me.

What matters the most is to focus on being deep in Christ,

And letting Christ display Himself to the world around me.

“O Lord Jesus,

Soak me in Your aroma

And let it diffuse through me to my world.

This I pray for earnest and desperately,

In Your name.



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