Life is so fast fleeting away.
Don’t keep putting away what must be done today.
The spirituality you so desire is available today,
If only you will concentrate.
The books you need to read to nurture your soul,
Can be done today,
If only you will concentrate.
That inner peace you long for is at your arms reach,
If only you will concentrate.
The greatest wickedness of our generation is distraction,
So you end up doing what is not your priority.
That’s the craftiness of hell for our season:
It’s to keep men busy and pursuing those things that lead into the swamps.
Then we’ll one day awake in eternity wondering why we lived in shallowness,
And why we failed to achieve God’s divine purposes for our lives.
Outline His priorities for your life.
Live in inward quietness for this is needful for clarity.
Live in inward quietness and find the tranquility to see ahead.
It takes inner concentration to embrace God’s mind,
And pursue God’s heart.
Multiple scattering activities is the cancer of our days,
A cancer that keeps spreading its poisons into our very soul.
Watch the inwardly focused man,
And the delights of God are His portion.
Watch the inwardly focused man and he makes great strides in God.
Watch the inwardly focused man and He is no ordinary man,
For even in the things of the earth,
He is never rushed by seeming emergencies,
Knowing that the sovereignty of God super-intends over all.
He pursues excellence and sharpness and productivity,
And is not given to mediocrity,
Because he has known how to keep his eyes on the priorities.
Don’t run up and down with the world.
The world is vain and all the world systems are vain.
Engage the world because its needful to be productive here.
Engage the world because it’s needful to serve humanity.
But don’t engage the world in a frenzy.
Don’t allow the engagement with the world consume your focus.
Don’t let the world determine your daily priorities.
That’s why it’s critical for the spiritual man to learn the discipline of focus;
Inward focus and concentration,
For only thereby will he experience and enjoy alignment with God,
Daily exercising the disciplines of focus on the needful.
Jesus is our supreme example.
He never lived a rushed life.
He had an understanding of what was needful for each moment,
And even if He was misunderstood by many,
It did not change His lifestyle or daily habits.
He refused to be dictated to by the urgent.
He lived only in the guidance of God.
As a carpenter, am sure He did what all carpenters did;
Yet I am persuaded that even at that,
He always lived in the inner quietness of the divine,
For being a carpenter was not His identity but His humanity.
As humans, there are duties we must undertake,
But we must not let those duties become our reasons for living.
Develop inner concentration.
Nurture quietness in your spirit.
Guard your soul against the cancer of scatteredness.
For it is only in the practice of these subtle virtues,
Can your life and the divine life merge into one holy being,
And the purposes of God begin to unfold and manifest before men.
Concentrate on God and His mind,
And your life will have the meaning, purpose and direction that counts.