May 18, 2019

Romans 5:20-21 (NKJV)

“…But where sin abounded, grace abounded much more, so that as sin reigned in death, even so grace might reign through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”

Just as death cannot override life, sin can never overcome grace. The resurrection of Jesus was a practical demonstration of the power of God’s life over death, and this verdict is a vivid illustration for all who doubt the power of grace over sin. Sin cannot be too much for grace. No sinner can be too far away that grace cannot reach him. Of course, by the nature and law of grace, the sinner must desire to turn away from the reign of death because death can only be conquered by the permission of the prisoner of death. However, once we reject the rulership of death, grace overtakes and overrules.

Grace is the most powerful force of restoration on earth because grace does not take into account the life of the captive but his willingness. Grace grows and increases over and above the measure of the sin and sinner in question. By the righteousness of Christ, grace receives power to transform the sinner and translate him into eternal life, simply by his willingness to accept the free gift of grace. What a wonder that leaves both the sinner and the power of death permanently stunned and awed.“Lord, I cannot fully comprehend the stunning power of Your grace and after so many years, I am still a joyful recipient of Your abounding grace that continues to overcome my death. Amen.”


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