May 20, 2019

There’s nothing I need more than the smile of God.

The brightness and warmth of God’s smile is heaven to me.

Nothing else compares to having God touch me and say:

“I love you. I am pleased with you. I am with you.”

Nothing can compare to having God’s actual presence.

It is possible to KNOW God is present,

But not feel His presence.

I KNOW that faith should always believe,

But beyond believing, I want to experience God.

I want to hear God.

I want to feel God.

I want to see His smile.

I want to feel His embrace.

I want to experience the warmth of the divine presence.

And I know all this is possible because I’ve experienced it before.

I know all this is possible because our spiritual fathers lived in it.

They tasted Him.

They walked with Him as friend with friend.

They saw Him and longed for more of Him.

That is my greatest need.

Religion is boring.

Religion provides methodology without experience.

Religionists are satisfied with knowledge and stop there.

And while knowledge is key to this experience,

Faith takes us beyond.

I want to rise on the wings of faith,

Rising up away from the murky waters of self-centeredness,

Rising up away from the dungeons of fear and worries,

Rising up away from faithlessness and religiousity,

Rising up away from my human pride and stubbornness.

I need to rise up and enter the bright morning of God’s light,

To enter into and behold the smile of God.

“Oh, how I long to move up with You Lord.

I don’t want to occupy my days with fighting vain battles.

Lord, I don’t want to live in the pressures of the daily.

I want to turn my back away from the mundane and the urgent,

To look for Your face in the midst of the days’ busyness.

Oh Lord, give me Thy inner quietness everyday,

Stir in me the strong hunger for more of You.

Your face is my greatest insurance from anxiety and frustration.

I know Your smile is there and Your smile is real.

I live for Your smile.

Seeing Your eyes of love and approval is enough for me.

Please Lord, in all Your giving,

Please do not deny me this one thing,

Because everything else is empty vanity compared to this.

Ministry success is vanity.

Recognition and applause is vanity.

Financial success is vanity.

Family unity and personal prosperity is vanity.

Only seeing Your loving face and feeling Your warm embrace is everything.

This is my greatest need.

Oh Lord, do not deny me this.

Still my inner fears and restless pursuits.

Grant me strength to take down every strange altar in me.

Help me bring down every stronghold that hides Your face.

All that obscures Your face is evil.

Lord, thank You because as I still myself under Your mercy,

I will experience Your love and warmth again.

Thank You Jesus. Amen.”


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