June 10, 2019

Leadership is not about you.

While you are important as a leader,

Leadership is not about you.

You are in the place of leadership to give hope to people.

You are in leadership to steer the ship,

And even when the storms hit hard;

(Hit you hard and hit the people hard,)

You are not permitted to wail or give in to fear & despondency.

A leader who wails when his people wail,

Has failed in leadership.

Yes, wail for their pains,

Feel it deep in your bossom;

But rise above their pain to give them hope.

The people need hope not doom.

Leadership is a call to stand strong when others fall.

The leader cannot and should not cave in with the people.

Adverse conditions must come.

Gloom and doom must fall upon the land and the people.

Your organization cannot be fully insulated from the horrors of life.

Your people will enter into seasons of confusion and agony,

But leadership rises to give direction in the days of darkness.

If I am a leader in truth, then I cannot cave in when the waves come.

Yes, I am human and I feel the pains that others feel,

But I must never let pain become hopelessness,

For once I lose hope in my heart,

The people I lead are doomed.

Be strong in the grace of God.

Be strong for the people God has called you to lead.

Be strong for your family.

Be strong for your friends.

Don’t let yourself slide into the murky waters of darkness.

Don’t let depression cut shut your duty as a leader.

Wrestle with the dark powers that seek to swallow you in,

Knowing that if you are swallowed,

Many will drown also with you.

Your standing gives hope to the crawling.

Your standing shows that the game is not over.

Leadership means standing when everyone else has given up.

Leadership means giving vision for a brighter tomorrow.

Leadership is not callous living.

Leadership is not power grabbing.

Leadership is making sure that God is honored by our faith,

And that those who believe are not disappointed for believing.

“O Lord, make me a leader who deals in truthful hope.

May I not give a hope born from forgery and falsehood.

Make me a leader who draws strength from You,

And from you, can give true hope to the hopeless.

It’s impossible to so be, unless You first work Your work in me.

Lord, too many are negative,

Too many have felt betrayed and oppressed.

Too many do not believe anymore in goodness or good people.

But Lord, I beg You to use me to ignite in them,

A fresh faith in You & Your goodness.

Help me find people, the right people,

Who can work with me in this stead.

I ask this, in Jesus name.”


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