Life is full of entanglements,
And I must be strong to free myself from them.
So many things seem so crucial,
While in reality, they are not actually.
To please my Master,
I must flee many things;
I must disassociate my heart from some life entanglements.
Many things are desirable,
But they are not needful.
I can survive without many things,
And still be happy without them,
Only if I can see them as entanglements,
Encumbrances really;
Distractions from keeping a pure focus.
My life is so short,
And my primary desire is singular:
Love my Master and do His bidding.
Whatever will limit this singular passion,
Is of the devil;
An entanglement.
All my heart’s desire is to love purely,
And serve purely.
I must therefore daily discern what is needful to this pursuit,
And what is not.
It’s a daily warfare to detect the difference.
Is pleasure wrong?
Not at all.
Are comforts wrong?
Certainly not.
Is enjoying the things of life wrong?
Of course not!!
But living for pleasure, comfort and enjoyment is wrong.
Pursuing these things will only encumber your life.
Chasing these things is like living to trap the wind.
All your efforts will end in vanity.
I want to be free to focus on Him.
That’s the joy of my life.
My joy will never come from these distractions.
My joy comes from pure undiluted adoration of God.
And when He gives me earthly pleasures to enjoy,
I want to enjoy them in worship of Him.
Any pleasure that becomes a focus in itself is an idol,
An entanglement, an evil ploy.
Once pleasures lead me deeper into worship & adoration,
Then it’s serving its rightful purpose.
Detect all things that serve contrary,
And be strong against such showing no mercy whatsoever.
Because life is so short,
Giving space to diverse distractions is wasting your precious life.
You can’t afford to give in to seducing spirits that confuse;
You can’t afford to allow low level demonic activity dampen you.
Love God and serve Him supremely is your life purpose;
Anything or anyone that competes with this purpose,
Is a thief and a robber,
An entanglement from hell.
Of such, fight off with the last breath you have.