Romans 14:13 (NKJV)
“Therefore let us not judge one another anymore, but rather resolve this, not to put a stumbling block or a cause to fall in our brother’s way.”
We are called to help each other on our journey of faith. We are called to be the helping hand, the encouraging voice and the supporting frame for the wayfaring and weary pilgrim. Living the consecrated life and remaining on the narrow way, isn’t an easy experience. In addition to the spiritual realities we have to deal with every day, there are a thousand and one other mundane daily challenges that we must confront and overcome, as part of living here on earth. People are fatigued, confused many times, and needing affirmation in their journey. Our job on earth, while struggling with our own issues, is to assist other pilgrims on their journey. And it takes much resolve to do this.
I am resolved to live in such a way that I encourage my brethren on their pilgrimage. I am resolved not to be a stumbling block to anybody, either by what I say or what I do. I am resolved to help make the path straight for them whenever and wherever possible. It is my determination to be an asset to my brethren as they struggle through life. I have my own issues to deal with. I have my own challenges, and they are many; but I am here not just for myself. Constantly judging, criticizing and making people feel like they are small, irrelevant or failures – is not helpful; rather, that could demotivate them in the ways of Christ. Affirm, encourage and strengthen the brethren. Be remembered for helping the stumbling brother, continue his journey.
“Lord, help me grow my compassionate side. There are many who need the word of affirmation and may I be that voice. Forbid me Lord from being the reason someone gives up the godly race. In Jesus name. Amen.”