Romans 14:23 (NLT)
“…For you are not following your convictions. If you do anything you believe is not right, you are sinning.”
External pressures often force us into doing things that we don’t believe in, and we do them because of others and not because we are convinced we should do them. And this is a grave error. This trap has led people far away from God’s purpose for their lives. Don’t be a people pleaser. People pleasers are often loved by people but estranged from God, and while people may love you today, the very same people may throw you away tomorrow for some flimsy reason. We cannot live for people and hope to please God.
Follow your convictions. If you succumb to the pressures to do things that you believe is not right, then you are not walking in true faith. Faith in God connects with faith in my convictions. Sin finds a dwelling place where these two faiths do not connect; or rather, are replaced by faith in people. The world system is designed to pull us into what they believe is right, but by the power of God, we must live true to our convictions in Christ. As NKJV puts it, “whatever is not from faith is sin.” May we live in and by our faith-centered convictions, and thereby turn our backs on the forceful pressures of modern society, whose counsel may not be God’s purpose for our lives.
“Father, I will live by the convictions You have placed in my heart, and I will follow these faithfully over and above whatever the world is saying to me. In Jesus name. Amen.”