September 19, 2019

Romans 15:16 (NKJV)

“that I might be a minister of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles, ministering the gospel of God…”

I am called to minister the gospel of God not the gospel of man. The gospel of man is constantly changing, and this gospel is culture, generation and context specific. The gospel of man is always adapting to suit the needs of men and their priorities. Each generation and environment try to mold the gospel to be relevant to their context and situation, giving the preachers of this gospel the tremendous burden of constantly adapting the gospel of God to the whims and caprices of men. I believe in contextualization (that is, being context specific in ministry,) but contextualization must never change the focus of the gospel of God.

The gospel of God is unchanging. The gospel of God starts with and ends with God and not man. Man is brought into the script of the gospel of God, but the focal point of the gospel of God is God. God does not exist for man, and the gospel of God exists for God; with the redemption plan of God being His program to bring man back into the right relationship man should have with God. Anything that has man as its focal point is not in sync with the mind of God. It’s wrong theology to think that God’s heartbeat is man. No! The center of God’s heartbeat is God, and man’s importance and relevance is because he was made in the image and likeness of God. The only program God has for unredeemed man is to reconcile him back into His original image; and that program is expressed through the gospel of God. Understanding this correctly will guide our ministries and interactions with mankind.

“Amen Ancient of Days. You are the reason for all existence, and whatever ministry we do that does not fit into this, is irrelevant. You are the starting and ending of all things and I know that all ministries that do not recognize this, is useless. May my life and message always confirm to this basic truth, in Jesus name. Amen.”


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