September 22, 2019

Romans 15:17 (NKJV)

“Therefore I have reason to glory in Christ Jesus in the things which pertain to God.”

My glory must only be in Christ, and in the things that pertain to God. We boast in and glory in so many other things than this, and all the things we glory in are transient insignificant things; things that have no long lasting value and vanish with time. All life is full of vain glory and empty boasting. People pride themselves in their human accomplishments and celebrate them, without reference to the God who made it possible. We often make it look as if we are able of ourselves to do anything. Glorying in anything that does not put Christ as the reason for the boast is a sin; for we can achieve nothing outside of the grace of God.

“So I have reason to be enthusiastic about all Christ Jesus has done through me in my service to God.” NLT. Even in the ministry, it is Christ who is working and not our human personality, human skill or human ability. In the bid not to take glory however, it should not mean that we hide the work of God, working through us. No! Not at all. There is a work of man and a work of God, and we should be enthusiastic to showcase what Christ has done through us. Celebrate God’s work in and through us. Give Him loud praise for His splendid work manifesting by our frail human bodies. Jesus deserves to receive glory. Let’s give it to Him – all the time.

“Like Paul, Lord I have ample reasons to glory in You and in what You have done through me. I am a broken vase and I dare not accredit any glory to myself because nothing good lies in me outside of You. Take all the glory Lord, now and always. And forbid me Lord to ever boast in myself. Amen.”


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