Romans 15:18 (NLT)
“Yet I dare not boast about anything except what Christ has done through me, bringing the Gentiles to God by my message and by the way I worked among them.”
The pathway to bringing glory to God through the salvation of the unsaved, has a dual process. One path which is core and central, is the role of Christ Himself working in the lives of people. One of the reasons why we cannot boast is because it is Christ who works thought the Holy Spirit to bring souls to Himself. It is always Christ working, and although He has chosen to work through me, it is still Him working. This was Paul’s foundational ministry understanding.
Yet Paul also said that the Gentiles coming to faith was the result of his message and the way he worked among them. This statement shows that Paul took personal interest and ownership of the process that got Gentiles saved. He didn’t just sit back expecting that Christ would save them in His own way and time. No! He was engaged in the process as a committed party. He called the message he preached, “my message” and while he knew Christ was the One who brought about life transformation, it did not negate his emphasizing “the way (he) worked among them.” We need to own the process of soul winning. We need to make it a personal project. We need to convert the gospel of God into our own gospel. While of course maintaining the focus of God in the gospel of God, we need to personally invest in make it real and tangible to our hearers. Our role in making the gospel accepted among the unsaved is crucial. We must never demean it.
“Lord, I know that no man can be saved outside of Your input, but Lord, make me grow in personally investing in and showing personal interest in the process. In Jesus name. Amen.”