September 27, 2019

Romans 15:23 (NLT)

“But now I have finished my work in these regions…”

Don’t just work endlessly and tirelessly. Work in such a way that you have an objective and a goal in mind, and know when to move on. People who don’t know when their task is done, will keep working on projects beyond the time allotted to them. There is a time allotted for every task and we need to work diligently and in such a manner that we finish everything we need to do, within the time frame given to us. God has a time for every program we are involved in, and it sometimes require spiritual discernment to know when God is through with a project. Woe betides the man who continues to work where God has moved away from.

Paul knew when his work was over in that particular region and that’s why he moved on. In the NKJV, Paul says, “But now no longer have a place in these parts,” meaning that he had no more doors of ministry opened to him in that region. One way to know God wants you to move on, is when God starts closing doors before you. It may not look like God but if everything begins to shut in your face, you will need to seek God to know if it’s time to move on. Discernment is key to knowing how and when to move on. Finishing your work does not mean that the entire project has been completed. Finishing your work simply means that your role in that project is over, and you should not stay longer on a task that God has moved you away from. Plan to finish and know when to move on.

“Lord, forbid me from staying on anywhere because I like the place or because there’s still much work to do there. Help me discern when Your Spirit is moving on, and may I move with You. In Jesus name. Amen.”


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