September 28, 2019

Romans 15:24 (NLT)

“…And after I have enjoyed your fellowship for a little while, you can provide for my journey.”

Fellowship is good but fellowship alone is not good enough. We need to be available to talk to people, pray with people and enjoy good times together with people, but people many times need more than these things. In the journey of life, we all need some tangible assistance from time to time, and these practical helps make our fellowship more real and meaningful. So look out for ways to practically be a blessing to someone, particularly those in the household of faith and those in the ministry of the gospel. Look for opportunities to make provision for them. Prayer is good but people often need more than our prayers.

On his way to Spain, Paul planned a stopover in Rome for two reasons: to enjoy their fellowship and to receive provisions for his onward journey. In like manner, whenever God’s servants happen to stopover at our place, if we are able, we should work to provide fellowship and meet some of their physical needs. There is no law backing up this principle, and this is not a matter of doctrine; however it is a good practice to do. Look out for opportunities to nourish and encourage God’s people, especially those in the ministry, and God will in turn send you people who will encourage and fellowship with you in your times of need. This is a principle of life.

“Help me Lord to do this willingly and joyfully, in Jesus name. Amen.”


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