November 10, 2019

1 Samuel 2:13 (NKJV)

“And the priests’ custom with the people was that when any man offered a sacrifice, the priest’s servant would come with a three-pronged fleshhook in his hand while the meat was boiling.”

Customs can be good or bad. Customs are repeatedly performed habits that eventually stick and become part of our lives. There are godly customs that shape our character and way of thinking. There are however other customs that go contrary to God’s expected standards and patterns. We need to look closely at the regular habits we form and how these can shape our personal or community customs.

The priests had their customs and these had been shaped by the Word of God and godly traditions handed over through the years. Unfortunately, Eli’s sons felt that they could do away with their godly heritage and invent their own customs which were invariably shaped by greed and lust. They put aside divine orders, and edifying historical precedents, and created their own patterns. We know that at the end of the day, their evil heart led to their total destruction. Shame is the fruit of self-centered customs. Defeat is the product of disregarding God’s divine ordinances. When we follow the patterns laid out by God, we will enjoy His blessings and favors. When we follow our human passions and greed, we may enjoy for a short season but eventually, doom and disgrace will come to us. Develop healthy customs from growing healthy habits that are centered on God’s revealed patterns for life.

“Oh Lord, help me maintain the pilgrim mindset. I am a priest of God. Deliver me from the greed that seeks to draw me into pursuing selfish life habits. Keep me centered on You and Your revealed order. Let my personal customs flow from my unwavering gaze on You. In Your name I pray. Amen.”


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