1 Samuel 3:2 (NKJV)
“And it came to pass at that time, while Eli was lying down in his place, and when his eyes had begun to grow so dim that he could not see,”
Night comes faster than we think. For those who still have the energy of youth, don’t forget that your night is coming. For those who are in the middle-age bracket, don’t forget your night is coming. For the elderly, your night is almost here. Do all you can and all you must when you have the chance. Don’t hold back. Don’t procrastinate. Before night comes, give your best to what God has called you to do. In whatever sphere of life you feel called to, give it your best when the daylight of God’s grace is still with you. Give your whole heart while you have good health, energy, and strength. A time is coming when you will desire so much to do some things, but you will lack the capacity to do it.
Eli came to a point where he spent more time lying down than moving around. It was a season where he could not see clearly because he was old. It was not his fault. He had not done anything wrong. It was his life phase. He no longer had the vigor and strength of youthfulness. He no longer had his sharp vision. He was actually dependent on people to move from place to place. He was restricted. His night had come. Before your “restriction” comes, push hard and move swiftly. Before your restriction comes, give life the best you have to offer. Before your restriction comes, fly like a bird and swirl around with the winds of God’s grace. Don’t hold back when God has not ordained your restriction. It’s time to go. It’s time to give. It’s time to fly.
“Lord, I rise and l run. I give life all that God has poured into me. I will not hold back. Lord, I will not waste the grace of God in my life. Please, make me a good steward of the day, before the night falls. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.”