Day 5: The Secret Of Rapid Repentance

“…I meditate within my heart, And my spirit makes diligent search,”Psalm 77:6

“Take heed to yourselves, lest your heart be deceived, and you turn aside and serve other gods and worship them,”Deuteronomy 11:16

“Eight times the Scriptures enjoin us, ‘Take heed to your selves.’…This taking heed to oneself is a primary function of the secret place. Prayer is the constant calibration of the soul. It is a lifestyle of stopping and taking candid spiritual inventory. This is not spiritual paranoia, but rather the exercise of one who has a healthy fear of God and a sublime desire for glorious heights of intimacy with God.

“I so very much long to please Him and to know His will, so my spirit diligently searches the recesses of my heart to see if there might be anything in me for which I need to repent. I want nothing of my self-life to hinder my relationship with Him or His purposes for us together.

“Ready repentance opens the channels for intimate communion with God. When you’re in the secret place, be quick to confess your unbelief and hardness of heart. Don’t make Him talk you into it…

“When I speak of repentance in this chapter, I am not thinking of repenting from sins like lying, fornication, stealing, cursing, pornography, hatred, drunkenness, or not tithing. Those sins are so obvious that you don’t even need the conviction of the Holy Spirit to know you’re in disobedience…No, I am not talking about obvious sins; in this chapter, I am talking about repenting from our iniquities. Iniquities are the hidden faults that we don’t see, the wicked residue of our fallen nature that discolors the fabric of our thoughts, motives, feelings, responses, and desires. Iniquities are wrapped up in much more subtle areas of sinfulness, such as pride, rebellion, unbelief, envy, selfishness, ambition, and covetousness. We all have hidden pockets of iniquity, and we need God’s help to see them.

“Repentance becomes the opportunity to turn from things that have been hindering love, and as such, repentance becomes the catalyst for a greater and more profound intimacy than we’ve known to this point with God. When we repent quickly of those things God’s word is revealing, we experience the pleasure of the Father in a palpable way…A consistent pattern of rapid repentance will cause us to become a vessel of gold or silver, useful to the Master for noble purposes.”Bob Sorge

My Prayer

“My Lord, keep my heart soft towards You. Prevent me from hardness of heart. My King, teach me again, the discipline of rapid repentance and don’t allow me continue with the knowledge of sin lying in my heart. I confess that I am blind sometimes and I do things that I do not know is sinful. Show me Lord, my dark areas. Reveal to me, the hidden things about myself that I may not even be aware of. And when You do, give me the softness of heart to quickly turn away from them. Never permit me to procrastinate or delay. Pressure my heart and make my life unbearable until I repent. Block all the doors of my blessings and make me miserable—until I repent. I want to move into more glorious heights with You and I will not allow the old self-life choke me from experiencing this. Deal with me until I repent Lord. Give me grace to turn around very quickly. Have mercy on me, Lord. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.”

The Challenge

  1. Pray that God will show you any un-repented secret sin lurking around your life.
  2. Kneel down NOW and repent of anything that comes to your mind that needs repentance. Do it now. Don’t procrastinate.


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