“Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.” Galatians 6:7-9
“Perhaps the most common struggle of Christians, when it comes to the secret place, is to feel like they’re ‘spinning their wheels,’ that their time in prayer and meditation is accomplishing nothing. Here’s the awesome secret of Galatians 6: When you sow to the Spirit by giving dedicated time to the secret place, you will eventually reap life in the Spirit. Eventually…
“It is impossible to sow to the Spirit without reaping a corresponding harvest.
“When I speak of sowing, I am talking about giving of your time to the secret place. I am talking about establishing patterns and habits that enable you to spend significant time with God in the secret place on a daily basis. This kind of sowing will produce a harvest in your walk with Him. It will change you and, in turn, begin to affect everything around you.
“Many times I’ve thought my time in the secret place was rather dull and uneventful, but later perspective showed that it had been, in fact, a powerful time with God. The actual impact of the secret place, I’ve discovered, is usually not evident until a later time…We must not evaluate our spiritual progress based upon how many projects we accomplished or deadlines we met today. Our devotional life with God is more like the planting of a garden. When we arise from sowing into the secret place, we will not usually be able to point to immediate results or benefits. What we sow today will require an entire season of growth before the results are manifest.
“Authentic spiritual harvest is rarely instantaneous. The wise believer who understands this will devote himself to arduous sowing, knowing that at the right time he will reap if he does not lose heart. “He who tills his land will be satisfied with bread” (Proverbs 12:11). To have a harvest, you must till (prepare) the soil of your heart and then implant God’s word into your heart.
“Every moment you spend in the secret place is an investment. You are investing into eternal realities. God makes note of your labors and considers how He will honor your devotion.
“So whatever you do, don’t quit! When you feel ineffectual, get stubborn and invest even more. The word being sown into your heart today is going to germinate, sprout, send roots downward and branches upward, and produce fruit. Catch the secret: He who sows will most assuredly reap!”—Bob Sorge
My Prayer
“Amen Lord. Yes Lord. I will not walk by feelings. I will labor on this by Your grace. I will invest into grooming my spirit even when I don’t feel like it. Take me beyond spending time with You ONLY when I feel good about it. Help me Lord to keep sowing eternal seeds into my spirit—knowing that eventually, they will bring forth a harvest of eternal fruits. Satan, I rebuke you and dislodge every lie that you keep telling me about the secret place. Lord, I know this is a battle. It is warfare to keep sowing spiritual seeds even in a dry season. I recommit to making the secret place my life priority and not all those other projects I keep spending so much time on. In Jesus name. Amen.”
The Challenge
- Can you commit to sowing into your spiritual development, irrespective of how you feel?
- Can you recommit to the warfare of maintaining spiritual patterns of daily spiritual devotions—irrespective of place, time and convenience?