Day 14: The Secret Of Watching

September 6, 2020

Behold, I am coming as a thief. Blessed is he who watches”

—Revelation 16:15

“Jesus connected prayerfulness with vigilant watching. Twice He told His disciples, ‘Watch and pray’ (Mark 13:33; 14:38). So there’s something about prayer that is wide-eyed, attentive, and on full mental alert. In the secret place, we do not hide from current events…

“The Lord never placed on us the burden of seeing into the future. He does call us, though, to be alert to the hour in which we live and to discern the signs of our times. He expects us to have understanding and awareness concerning today.

“One of the important words of this hour is the word “discernment.” Jesus wants us to be alert and able to discern the signs of the times…Those who stand at attention in the secret place will carry the wisdom to discern the mystery of iniquity and the mystery of godliness in the earth today.

“When a thief visits, he will often give off small signals of his presence…In a similar way, there well may be subtle signs to Christ’s coming which only the alert will notice. Those who watch, if they are attentive, may actually discern the sounds of Christ’s coming. What a blessing it would be to be found on active duty and alert at His coming!

“It’s in the garden with your Lord that you gird your waist for immediate action, and that you trim your lamps until they burn with flaming passion. Do not sleep, but watch and pray. It’s the great secret to being ready for the imminent return of the Lover of your soul.”Bob Sorge

My Prayer

“Keep me alert, Lord. Keep me awake. Sharpen my spiritual sensitivities. May I never get drunk with the intoxication of this world. May my spirit never become dulled by the busyness of my day. I am not concerned about the events of the distant future. Make me alert and involved in the events of today. You will not hold me accountable for the future—but You will hold me accountable to how I acted today. Come Lord Jesus; come! Prepare me for Your coming. Prepare Your Church for Your coming. Unlike those virgins who slept off, keep my spiritual discernment sharp and keep me awake and attentive. Please Lord. Amen.”

The Challenge

Reject intoxicants. Reject anything that dulls your spiritual alertness. By grace, commit to stay awake. May the Lord sharpen our spiritual discernment of the times we live in. Amen.


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