“Be violent. Be violent in your spirit. This is not a call to physical violence but to a higher form of violence: that intangible violence that comes from a heart crying for more of God and more relevance for God. We don’t have time any more. This is the time to be violent. This is your time. So…Be violent in taking your stand for Christ. Be violent against compromises. Be violent against the world system. Be violent against the flesh. Be violent against every seduction. Be violent against personal laziness. Be violent against procrastinations. Be violent against unnecessary sleeping and excessive eating. Be violent against inappropriate entertainment and ungodly leisures. Be violent against unproductive friendships that drain and add no value. Be violent against internal murmurings and complaining. There is a call to step up our intentional violence against leakages that keep up stagnant and regressing. We must arise today and make our stand known. By prayer, fasting and faith—I am taking my stand. What about you?”