Day 20: The Secret Of Simultaneous Reading

September 12, 2020

“All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable”— 2 Timothy 3:16

“Bible reading, done in a spirit of prayerful submission to God, is dramatically life-transforming. God’s word has the power to change us! Revelation 1:3 pronounces a blessing upon ‘he who reads…those things which are written in it.’ All you have to do to be blessed is just read the book. Those who understand this truth are personally committed to daily Bible reading.

“…every portion of the Bible is profitable to the reader. No portion of Scripture should be bypassed or overlooked by those who are anxious to be conformed to the image of Christ. He is the Living Word, and His glory is to be found on every page of the Bible. Therefore, it behooves us to make a point of reading the Bible in its entirety.

“So Bible reading for me is much more than simply the fulfilling of a daily quota…Time in the word is the place of change, and I jealousy yearn to expose my heart consistently and routinely to every living, breathing, inspired portion of Scripture.

“One of the greatest keys to maintaining momentum in your daily Bible reading, in my opinion, is the secret of simultaneous reading. What I mean by that is, instead of reading several chapters in one book of the Bible, read shorter portions in four different Bible books on the same day…Each day I read in all four sections. This provides many benefits, not the least being that the variety keeps me interested and engaged.

“It’s the pursuit of Christ in His word that gets me up in the morning. My time in the word is my life-source and my sanity. This is the place where I receive grace for another day. Yes, I love my daily Bible reading! I hope you’re catching this awesome little secret. You’ll gain momentum in reading through the Bible by dividing your reading into three or four different sections and reading simultaneously in each section every day.”Bob Sorge

My Prayer

“Lord, help me devote time to reading Your Word daily, especially reading from different portions of the Bible. I need to spend more time in gleaning deeply from the Old Testament and New Testament. Give me the special grace to expand my reading scope. In Jesus name. Amen.”

The Challenge

Read more. Read from different portions of the Bible—every day!


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