Day 24: The Secret Of Getting Dressed

September 16, 2020

“Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.”—Ephesians 6:11-12

“Satan reserves some of his most vehement attacks for that moment when we step into the secret place—because he hates what happens when saints connect with their God. 

“Suddenly our sins, failures, and shortcomings begin to play before our eyes like a technicolor video…So one of the first things we must do in the morning is clothe ourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ. When clothed with Christ, no accusation can touch us. 

“He accuses God to us. Satan will point to the way God is fathering us, and he will say, ‘Look at how God is treating me!’ Satan wants us to adopt an accusatory posture toward God. That’s why loving God in the midst of your pain is so powerful spiritually, doing warfare to Satan’s schemes. 

“He accuses us to God. He tells God, in our hearing, what abysmal failures we are. He recounts all our shortcomings, in technicolor and full detail. He paints us as being an embarrassment to the kingdom of God. 

“He accuses us to each other. He will accuse other saints to me, causing me to doubt their walk with God…Thus, he designs to cause breaches of relationship in the body of Christ. 

“He accuses us to ourselves. This is what Satan is especially good at. He is an expert at berating us for our sins and weaknesses—especially when we are desiring to draw close to the Lord. 

“Getting dressed all starts with the belt of truth. The truth of God’s word is the thing that will enable you to gird up your waist, to prepare you to run. Satan’s assault is comprised of lies and half-truths. Speak the word of truth; win the battle for the truth! Stand with confidence in the truth of who you are in God. 

“Notice that the passage calls us ‘to stand.’ You don’t have to go looking for a fight; just step into the secret place and the fight will come to you! Suddenly you’re thrown into a wrestling match. This is the time to stand firm. Stand upon the truth, come under the blood, and fight the good fight. Stand firm until the enemy admits defeat and leaves you for a time. 

“‘But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts’ (Romans 13:14). Jesus is your every article of clothing; you are clothed with Christ. When the Father looks at you, He sees Jesus. And you are stunningly attractive to Him! He favors, yes, He even prefers you! He is so pleased to have you in His embrace. 

“Here’s the secret: When we realize we’re clothed in the very garments of Christ, our confidence level before God soars to the heavens. Satan’s accusations cannot lodge within us, and they just bounce off our shield of faith. We are accepted by the Father, and now we can enjoy the peaceful dialogue of intimacy with Jesus.”—Bob Sorge

My Prayer

“I know Satan is out to get me but I am secure in Christ. God loves me and I love Him. Nothing can separate that love—no matter the accusation or attack from the pits of hell. I am Yours Lord, and You are mine. Our love relationship is intact. I take my stand, Lord, on Your truth and being clothed with You is my greatest security and insurance. I am safe and I will never doubt You or doubt myself, so long as I remain in You and with You. Thank You Jesus for defeating Satan on my behalf. Halleluya”

The Challenge

Take your stand in Christ. Don’t let the lies of hell penetrate. Is Satan telling you some half-truths today? Reject them. He is lying to you. You are precious and beloved in Christ. Despite your current situation, you are precious and beloved in Christ. Take your stand and don’t give it up. You are clothed in Christ. 


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