“Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him.”—Psalm 91:14
“God gave His only begotten Son, and Jesus died an excruciating death, all for love. The central reason for this whole thing between God and man is love! He didn’t die to enlist your strength in His army; He already has all the power He needs to vanquish every foe. He didn’t die for you because He was lonely and looking for companionship, for He is surrounded in glory by multiplied millions of creatures. He didn’t die for you because He was bored and had nothing better to do. He died for one all- encompassing reason, that He might manifest the graciousness of His glorious love to us, and in turn reap the extravagant affections of a lovesick bride. He did it all for love.
“Start your day with just loving Him. Your requests can wait; your Bible studying can wait; your intercessions can wait. Before anything else, give your love to your Lord.
“Don’t come to Jesus and try to be intellectually stimulating to Him. There’s nothing you could say that would cause Him to respond, ‘Wow, that’s a neat insight!’…Just come and love Him. He’s looking for heartfelt sincerity, for visceral passion, for authentic relationship.
“The secret place is where we seek to become a better lover of God. We practice the language of love; we surrender to the Spirit of love; we search for ways to give even more of our hearts to Him in love.
“The times I enjoy my kids most are when they are enjoying my company or expressing their affection to me. When they do so, it’s never with fancy words or careful decorum. They might even be clumsy or unsure of how to express themselves.
“As you express your love to the Lord, you may find yourself instinctively wanting to sing to Him. That’s what the secret place is all about!
“As Christ dwells in our hearts through faith, we are rooted and grounded in love (Ephesians 3:17). As you give yourself to loving your Lord, you are putting down roots into the love of God. It’s the confidence of His love for you that will carry you through the storms of life.
“He loves you with an everlasting love (Jeremiah 31:3)! He has literally killed Himself to be one with you. His love is so breathtaking and intoxicating that when you are filled with this love, the Scriptures testify that you are being filled with all the fullness of God Himself (Ephesians 3:16-19). What a glorious adventure, to explore the magnificent recesses of the boundless love of Christ!
“I remember a five-year period of darkness during which all I could do was fall on my face before the Lord and say, ‘I love You.’ I couldn’t do any spiritual warfare; I couldn’t do any intercession; I couldn’t fight any battles. All I could do was love. In retrospect, I now realize I was exercising the most powerful form of warfare possible. Love is the most powerful force in the universe.
“Just love Him! Open the alabaster jar of your heart and pour yourself upon His feet in loving adoration. You’ll unlock the passions of heaven and be lifted into new dimensions of blessed communion with your Lover and Friend.”—Bob Sorge
My Prayer
“Teach me to love You Lord. That’s my only prayer—that I may know how to really love you, even as You love me. Amen.”
The Challenge
Ask God to show you how to love Him in an acceptable way.