July 19, 2023

1 Samuel 9:6 (NKJV)
“And he said to him, ‘Look now, there is in this city a man of God, and he is an honorable man; all that he says surely comes to pass. So let us go there; perhaps he can show us the way that we should go.’”

We dealt with a similar topic some days ago, but this is slightly different, or maybe it’s a shade of the same line of thought. When Saul had thought it was time to return back home, the servant said to him, “there is in the city, a man of God, an honorable man, all he says surely comes to pass.” How did this servant know about this, if not that people knew about it and talked about it. Look at the three ways the servant described Samuel: “a man of God, an honorable man, a man whose words don’t fall to the ground.”

Can these apply to us? Could people around us refer to us in this way? In the NLT, the servant is quoted as saying concerning Samuel, “He is held in high honor by all the people.” All the people knew Samuel’s integrity and held him in high honor. We need to live our public and private lives in such a way that we are held in “high honor” by the people around us. We don’t live in pretence to get their honor, but we live in truth and honest integrity – and people notice this.

Another reason why they held him in high honor was that, “everything he says comes true.” Wow! The people could attest that Samuel was not a man that was flippant with his words and whenever he spoke, God honored him. This is what it means to be a man of God. To serve the Lord is not to claim a title. It is to be able to live honorably in the midst of men, and your words are validated by God.

There are too many false prophets today who dress smart and talk sharp, but are empty of integrity. Their words are not worth a dollar in the market. People know them for their insincerity and their falsehood. And even when they prophesy, it is a lie and it does not come to pass. Where are the men and women of God who can be referenced as God’s true servants? Why is there such a scarcity of men of integrity today? Could it be that we have turned our backs to the true gospel and have rather chosen the cheap religion of “easy-believism” – where shallow faith pronouncements have replaced deep heart searching walking with Christ, carrying His yoke as we walk with Him?

The deepest cries of my heart is that I will truly live as a genuine servant of God, somebody that nobody can point a finger against me in accurate accusation. I pray that I use my words sparingly and that the words I speak will have life and power to bring change. I don’t want to be an empty drum who makes a lot of noise; noise that nobody is listening to, and nobody’s life is impacted by it.


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