September 1, 2023

1 Samuel 10:16 (NKJV)
“So Saul said to his uncle, ‘He told us plainly that the donkeys had been found.’ But about the matter of the kingdom, he did not tell him what Samuel had said.”

Why did Saul choose not to share everything with his uncle? We may never know, but it seems that he simply knew that it was not the right thing to do. Maybe he knew his uncle talked a lot. Maybe he was not sure if that would please the Lord or not. Maybe he was still processing all that happened and needed time to digest things. Or maybe he simply felt the time was not right.

Whatever the reasons, Saul was right to have held back info when speaking with his uncle, and we likewise need this kind of wisdom to know when to hold back information. Now, to be clear, I am a big proponent of full disclosure between spouses, and therefore, this principle is not encouraged between husband and wife (except where the spouse is found untrustworthy). But outside the marriage relationship, we need divine wisdom to manage our information very carefully.

Our world has become very porous, and words spoken in one part of the world can be easily heard around the globe. Information shared can become your blessing or your undoing. Paul taught the Thessalonian church to learn “to be quiet,” and that injunction is still very relevant today. We need to be careful what we say and who we talk to. We need to be careful what we write and who we write to. Information management is a discipline that we must not minimize in these last days.

Saul’s uncle said to him, “Tell me, please, what Samuel said to you” (verse 15). Don’t succumb to busybodies who simply love to gather and transfer information. They love storytelling, and they live on this. Even if they “appeal” to you to share your stories, do not. Share info that cannot hurt you if retold in the wrong quarters, but withhold your sensitive info; and share these ONLY with trusted friends and family.

This is not a call to secrecy. This is a call for greater discernment in information sharing, especially in these last days. What people don’t know can’t hurt you. Have your trusted network to share your stuff with. But don’t cast your pearls among swine. They will destroy the pearls and turn around to haunt you.


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