September 13, 2023

1 Samuel 11:4 (NKJV)
“So the messengers came to Gibeah of Saul and told the news in the hearing of the people. And all the people lifted up their voices and wept.”

Like in a game of chess, we are called to respond after Satan has made his move. But how do we, or should we respond? The way we respond showcases our level of relationship with the Holy Spirit. Challenges reveal who we truly are and where we stand.

In the context of today’s verse, we observe three responses to Satan’s move. The first was that the people of Jabesh reached out to their brothers for help. They told Nahash to wait for seven days while they checked if anyone could save them (verse 3). Nahash agreed to wait because he felt nobody could help them. How audacious!!

Response #1 – When Satan attacks you or your loved ones, don’t fight alone. Don’t be silent. Reach out to others in your community to fight with you.

When the people heard what Nahash was planning to do to their brethren in Jabesh, rather than send help, they just sat down and wept in despondency. This was a wrong response. The people of Jabesh were already weeping, and what they needed wasn’t more weepers. Nahash does not respect weeping and will not respond to weeping.

Response #2 – When Satan attacks, don’t succumb to empty weeping that changes nothing on the ground. Nahash loves to see us weep!

When Saul heard the same news about Nahash, the Bible says in verse 6, the Spirit of the Lord came upon him, and “his anger was greatly aroused.” When Satan threatens, God’s Spirit moves. Saul was moved by God into holy anger, and he immediately began to mobilize to confront Nahash.

Response #3 – Arise in holy anger against the works of Satan. The Spirit of God will give you wisdom on what to do to address Nahash’s audacious works.

In the battle for life, weeping for your misfortunes does not change anything. Don’t just weep. Don’t succumb to Nahash. Arise with the Lord against him. God has a strategy. Follow Him!


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