September 20, 2023

1 Samuel 11:12-13 (NKJV)
“Then the people said to Samuel, ‘Who is he who said, “Shall Saul reign over us?” Bring the men, that we may put them to death.’ But Saul said, ‘Not a man shall be put to death this day, for today the Lord has accomplished salvation in Israel.’”

Life is full of provocations, counter-provocations, retributions, and retaliations. People do and say cruel things to each other, and people are usually unforgiving; waiting for the right time to pay back in kind. And the vicious circle of hurts and counter-hurts continues. That’s why we are where we are in the world today.

But as pilgrims, we are called to break the cycle within our sphere of influence. There is a spiritual warfare that is not by prayer but by forgiveness. We undercut the work of Satan by refusing to act as he expects, and thereby free ourselves and our people from his venom.

Forgiveness is a difficult but very precious jewel. It’s the crowning jewel of the pilgrim life. It’s the ability to love despite pain inflicted. It’s the grace to release offenders from our hearts, even when they don’t deserve it. But truth be told, it’s not easy.

Who deserved forgiveness? Who can say that he has earned it? Were we not all freely forgiven, while we still lived in the dregs of sin? Jesus said to the disciples, “Whosoever you forgive is forgiven.” Can you imagine the power we wield as pilgrims? We are called to break the cycle of violence by freely forgiving those who cause us pain.

The people wanted to punish those who had initially rejected Saul as king, but he rather chose to magnanimously forgive them. He used his power to forgive, rather than to retaliate. It’s good to daily seek God’s face for the power to make the right choice; the power to forgive.

As the popular adage goes, “It is human to err; but it is divine to forgive.” When we forgive, we manifest our heavenly Father’s nature. The world expects us to retaliate. Our hearts usually want to retaliate. But our Father expects us to forgive. He calls us to act counter-culture, as we live under His abundant grace.


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