October 20, 2023

1 Samuel 13:6 (NKJV)
“When the men of Israel saw that they were in danger (for the people were distressed), then the people hid in caves, in thickets, in rocks, in holes, and in pits.”

Cowardice is a scar. Unfortunately, many of us carry that scar. Cowardice is the fear of stepping forward because of an unwillingness to take risks. Cowardice is caused by an inner fear that paralyzes. The coward dies a thousand deaths, while the brave dies once.

One of the greatest needs in the Church today is BOLD men and women. They follow the Lion of the tribe of Judah, and seeing His bravery, they wax bolder and bolder. The Spirit constantly reminds them that they must be “bold as a lion.” But why do we need boldness?

Firstly, there is so much corruption and compromise today. Truth has become a scarce commodity. It takes bold men to speak truth in love, knowing that they are in the minority and that there could be negative consequences for speaking truth.

Secondly, darkness has become more vicious, and intimidation is now done openly. Supporting truth-bearers will bring violence to your doorstep. It takes real bravery to stand with the persecuted and for the marginalized. We can’t abandon them. We must be bold.

God is calling brave men and women to arise. Come out of hiding and shine God’s light. For the willing, God will grant a heavenly investiture that will make them as bold as the prophets and apostles of old. Such men will not flee from pain but will despise it.

Poor Saul. When the time for battle approached, most of his people abandoned him. Verse (7) says that even those who followed him, followed trembling. What an unfortunate situation. Fear is contagious, and the people’s fear must made Saul unsure about himself as well.

When fearful people constantly confess negativity around you, be the lone ranger who goes the opposite direction. Be that lone figure who refuses to bow to intimidation. Once you identify truth, never exchange it for anything. Be the brave that heaven will be proud of. Amen.


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