November 22, 2023

1 Samuel 14:1 (NKJV)
“Now it happened one day that Jonathan the son of Saul said to the young man who bore his armor, ‘Come, let us go over to the Philistines’ garrison that is on the other side.’ But he did not tell his father.”

As mentioned before, risk-takers are usually willing to try something new or different, or what nobody else has tried, and that’s why they often meet with a lot of opposition. For this reason, many risk-takers have some common characteristics, which we will explore today.

Firstly, they tend to be secretive people. Most risk-takers don’t talk much or share widely, what they intend to do. The reason is obvious. If they share their plans too broadly, there will be too much opposition, and people will raise many obstacles before them. So, they choose silence.

Secondly, risk-takers usually have accomplices. While they may be secretive, they usually need an inner caucus of people who believe in their madness. They don’t need a lot of followers, but they need a few people who are crazy enough to believe. This gives them the energy to proceed.

Thirdly, they have a perception that most people don’t have, and that’s why people think they are crazy. Their eyes see things. They see possibilities. They see a reality that is unique and different. They are gifted with unique worldviews that strangely differ from everyone around.

Jonathan saw something nobody else saw. He had one person whom he confided in and who believed him. He chose not to tell anyone else; not even his father. He dared to go forward alone, together with his one accomplice. And the rest is history.

Risk-takers have faith in something or someone. In verse 6, Jonathan said, “Nothing restrains the LORD from saving by many or by few.” Jonathan’s faith was in God’s ability to do the supernatural. He believed that God would work through him, and he stepped forward.

Too many people are cowardly because they lack faith. They cannot see the impossible. They are fearful because they only see today’s limitations. We must refuse to belong to this company. We must be people of great faith who step out and move forward, expecting God to turn up.


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