February 9, 2024

1 Samuel 14:37 (NKJV)
“So Saul asked counsel of God, ‘Shall I go down after the Philistines? Will You deliver them into the hand…?’ But He did not answer him that day.”

If you are honest with yourself, there are times when you have prayed and prayed, yet God did not answer. These times can really be tough because, truth be told, God’s silence can be unnerving. So, what do you do when the heavens have become silent concerning your case?

The first thing people do is find a reason and a fault. We start by blaming the devil, and if that does not work, we blame ourselves or even sometimes blame others. We always think there is a reason for God’s silence. And maybe there is. But what if God’s silence is His answer? What if God’s silence is God’s way of getting our attention? God is God!

In today’s passage, Saul wanted God to speak to him about pursuing or not pursuing the Philistines. But God was silent that day. So, Saul started seeking out the reason, and eventually, he found the reason: Jonathan. The good thing about Saul was that he did not assume the reason; he sought the reason with a clear mind. And God was able to direct him.

A tiny side note here. Do you know that Saul actually had not intended to seek God’s opinion? In verse 36, he had already declared, “Let us go down after the Philistines.” But it was the priest who said, “Let us draw near to God here.” Then, Saul went on to ask for God’s counsel. Please, surround yourself with God-seekers; spiritual priests whose hearts yearn for God and who can lead you to seek God when you are pursuing your own agendas without God.

When God is silent, don’t come with any pre-suppositions. Don’t start with any assumptions. Don’t try to figure it out by human wisdom. As Saul did, give God a chance to reveal what is going on and why He is silent. And then wait for guidance. He will guide you in some way! Don’t be in a hurry to sort things out and pronounce God’s mind. Wait until He speaks.

One of the most important things for me, is knowing God’s mind. I must, however, admit that there are times when God chooses to be silent. If after I press in, I get no answer, I rest in His peace, knowing that even when I can’t hear Him, it doesn’t mean He has left me. Beloved, God will never leave you. Whether you hear Him or not, never lose your peace or confidence. Just believe in His promises.


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