March 8, 2024

1 Samuel 15:11 (NKJV)
“’I greatly regret that I have set up Saul as king, for he has turned back from following Me, and has not performed My commandments.’ And it grieved Samuel, and he cried out to the LORD all night.”

God grieves. God’s heart can be broken. God has feelings because God has a personality that can be affected negatively or positively by our actions. God has expectations, and when these expectations are not met, they impact God’s heart because God has a tender heart.

These may not be the way we see God, but many times, our theology of God is wrong. We see Him as some great Spirit existing aloof from His creation, as some high and mighty Being, cold and without feeling. That’s not our God. Our God is a Person with feelings and expectations, and one of the best ways to relate with God is to understand He has feelings.

God can be pleased, and God can rejoice. God can sing and dance with pleasure, and God can weep with sorrow. This picture of God is important to help us know that our actions or inactions have an impact on the Almighty God. His Almightiness does not protect Him from being impacted by our actions. In fact, He doesn’t want protection but connects with us through emotions.

God can be vulnerable, and He loves those who relate with Him, relate with this understanding. God appreciates those who rejoice with Him and grieve with Him. It is, however, an added layer of sorrow if God is grieving and we do not feel with Him or grieve with Him. The spiritual man is expected to sense in the spirit, God’s feelings, and respond appropriately.

God said, “I am sorry that I ever made Saul king” (NLT). God felt sorry about His decision. God regretted His decision. It was as though God felt He had made a mistake. This is not how we often see God, but God sometimes feels regret about His decisions. That’s the God we worship. And He is not ashamed to own up to it. He embraces the reality and mourns about it.

Identify with God as He mourns or rejoices. Connect with Him deep in the spirit and respond to Him in the spirit and in your emotions. Remember that we are made in His likeness, and that’s why we have spirit and soul, giving us the capacity to connect with Him at both spiritual and emotional levels. Grieve with Him. Rejoice with Him. Don’t operate independently from Him.

And one more lesson. Just as He is not ashamed to feel regret about His actions, it is okay for us to feel regret about our actions as well. It is okay to feel sorrow about what we did. We are like our God. We can grieve when things we did don’t turn out the way we want.


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