1 Samuel 15:19 (NKJV)
“Why then did you not obey the voice of the Lord? Why did you swoop down on the spoil, and do evil in the sight of the Lord?”
Living as a pilgrim means that your primary affection is always Jesus and your primary goal is getting to heaven. In between both, your greatest pursuit is obeying the Lord at all costs, and refusing to chase the things of this world. The pilgrim life is a life of dying daily to the desires of the flesh so that the life of the Spirit can blossom. It’s living the circumcised life.
But this lifestyle requires constant sacrifice. The pilgrim life demands daily heart circumcision, daily rejection of worldly invitations, and daily rebuke of Satan’s whispers. One of the things we need to resist the most is the temptation to live for earthly treasures. While there is nothing wrong with having earthly goods, living for them will lead us away from pilgrimage.
God had categorically told Saul not to take anything from among the Amalekites. But when he and his people saw all the spoils and treasures, they “rushed for the plunder” (NLT). The temptation was too strong for them. They could not control themselves. It was like a huge magnet sucking them in. They rushed at the plunder, forgetting the Lord’s voice.
Everyone needs to honestly and constantly check their hearts for those attractions that can lead to disobedience. We are each susceptible to different things. What may appeal to me may not appeal to you. But each one has certain things that Satan will use to appeal to him or her. Knowing yourself is the first place to begin the journey to victory.
The pilgrim life demands we control our appetites and desires. The pilgrim life requires that we refuse to release our desires to chase whatever it wants. The pilgrim is a man who has a lock on his soul and never allows himself the freedom to do as he pleases. The pilgrim is a restricted soul, living within the confines of daily self-imposed limitations.
Many people will see us as weird because we are not chasing the things they are. And even when we have the things they have, we give them no priority because our lives are anchored on greater and higher values. Obeying Jesus supersedes anything this world offers, and living for His glory is more important than any juicy attractions that this world can offer.
In conclusion, true personal victory means refusing to satisfy fleshly desires even when you have the power to. The world has many beautiful toys. See them. Appreciate them. But never let your heart be caught by their web. We are pilgrims because we have made a decision under Christ. We are a circumcised people. Let’s fight the good fight of faith to keep our hearts circumcised.