April 10, 2024

1 Samuel 15:27 (NKJV)
“And as Samuel turned around to go away, Saul seized the edge of his robe, and it tore.”

God will do what He will do, when He will do it, and how He chooses to do it. God has His intentions and will do what is on His mind according to His own timing and purpose. If we desire to change God’s mind, or His timing, we do only do this using the spiritual tools He provides.

Thinking that we can change God by using the strength of the flesh or by any human means, is a totally wrong idea, and complete fallacy. God has always rejected ideas from the flesh, or any fleshly strategy, especially when it comes to executing a spiritual agenda. God hates this!

When God is not happy with a situation and decides to move away from it, we cannot make Him return by force. Human energy has no effect on God. In fact, trying to change God by human means only pushes God further away. This strategy amounts to pouring fuel on fire! Disastrous.

But there have been men who have had power with God and made God change His mind, and what a rare privilege this is. Moses is an example. He was able to negotiate with God and enter deals with God, contrary to God’s original intention. This was incredible and amazing!

How did they do it? He petitioned God. When God was tired of His people’s repeated disobedience, He told Moses that He would strike them down and start a new generation with Moses. But Moses pleaded with God to pardon them, and the Bible says in Numbers 14:20 that God changed His mind, according to Moses’ words. That’s power with God.

King Saul wanted God to change His mind, but unfortunately, Saul lacked the spiritual authority to do this. So he turned to the flesh. And of course, his strategy brought a curse on him. If we try to wrestle with God by means of human effort, when our lives lack spiritual power, we will not only fail, we may bring more harm to us or to the situation we wanted to change.

There is power to change God’s mind. There is power to negotiate with God. But it starts with growing a powerful personal relationship with God, living a life that commands God’s attention, and having a desperate desire to see God do what only God can do, through holy petitioning. We must flee every attempt to influence God’s mind using the wrong strategy or motive!

It is holy ground to interact with God and change God’s mind. It is a holy assignment to dare to negotiate with God. May we be among the privileged few that God respects their holy petitions, and commits to change His mind because of them. What a rare privilege! What an honor!


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