April 12, 2024

1 Samuel 15:28 (NKJV)
“So Samuel said to him, ‘The Lord has torn the kingdom of Israel from you today, and has given it to a neighbor of yours, who is better than you.’”

We are not indispensable. This is a thought that we must keep close to our hearts and remember every day of our journey with God. God loves us eternally, but when it comes to service, we can be removed from the field if we stop aligning with His game plan.

God has a game plan and will always work to fulfil that plan. He intends to win the game, and He needs His best players on the field. Like every good coach, to execute His winning strategy, He gives clear instructions to each player and expects them to carry them out. Whenever the players follow His plan, the team wins. When they don’t, the team loses.

Something common with gifted players is that they sometimes get off course and ignore the master plan because they believe in their skills and ability to win the game. And no coach likes this. That’s why some players are removed in the middle of the game. The coach’s commitment to win the game is more important than his commitment to individual players.

God has a game plan and God has a reserve team. While the reserve team may not be visible right now, and may not be currently playing on the field, they are there – ready and waiting to jump in once the Coach calls upon them. Every player must remember that they can be replaced.

Saul forgot he could be replaced. He was the first king, and he thought he could not be removed from the throne for any reason. He thought that God, who had chosen and anointed him, could not possibly choose someone else to replace him. That thought was wrong because while he was still king, God chose “a neighbor who is better.” We know that neighbor was David!

Saul was dispensable. David had been prepared and was ready. If we follow God’s game plan, we will remain fruitful and productive, and the Lord will keep us on the field. If we deviate from the game plan, God will remove us from the field and replace us with others, “better” than us. God has lots of reservist on bench. While God will always love us, yet He may not always use us.

May we never get to the point of thinking that nobody can do what we do. May we never get too smart in our own eyes. May we remember that God is the Lord of the universe and all the resources He needs to complete His goals are in His hands. In humility, let us serve with Him and follow His laid down instructions. This will keep us relevant and useful in His service.


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