1 Samuel 16:11 (NKJV)
“And Samuel said to Jesse, ‘Are all the young men here?’ Then he said, ‘There remains yet the youngest, and there he is, keeping the sheep.’ And Samuel said to Jesse, ‘Send and bring him. For we will not sit down till he comes here.’”
There is good news. The death of Jesus cannot be in vain, and for those who have received Him, He has anointed and appointed them to represent Him here. It does not matter where you are hidden. In Christ, you cannot be hidden for long. The hand of the Lord will fish you out.
There is good news. Men may not consider you to be anything, but God sees you and has chosen you. And God will not rest until He brings you into what He created you for. In Christ Jesus, you are His chosen, and for that reason, His eyes are upon you for good.
There is good news. While others more skilled than you may be promoted and elevated, don’t struggle about it. Just be faithful and continue doing what God has asked you to do. Don’t be ambitious for worldly positions or stress yourself when men neglect you. Just be faithful in following Christ and growing yourself. God is bidding His time to fish you out and to lift you up.
There is good news and bad news. The worldly ambitious may get ahead of you and be lifted up for a season, but they never endure. Their worldly credentials have no eternal bearing with God. They may sit in the gathering of important people today, but heaven does not recognize those whom God has not appointed. Never force yourself into what God has not given you.
Can a light bulb be hidden in the darkness? Do we light a candle and hide it under the bed? Can a city set upon a hill be hidden? The Light of the world lives in you. How do you think you can go unnoticed? Even if men don’t notice, heaven notices because heaven cannot deny Christ. Christ in you is the hope of glory. You may be obscure for a season but it’s only for a season.
David did not struggle. He was probably unaware that a king would be anointed on that day. He knew he was called to groom sheep and he stayed focused on growing his skills as a shepherd. He never dreamt of becoming a king. But heaven had been watching him, preparing him.
There is good news. You are being observed and prepared. Nobody can take your place. Don’t struggle for earthly recognition and celebration. Christ lives in you. Relax and let Him place you where He chooses. Step away from any struggle with human systems.
I repeat, again. Stay focused on what He has committed to you. Keep growing in it. And wait for Him. A city set on a hill cannot be obscure. It’s just a matter of time. Amen.