May 3, 2024

1 Samuel 16:16
“Let our master now command your servants, who are before you, to seek out a man who is a skillful player on the harp. And it shall be that he will play it with his hand when the distressing spirit from God is upon you, and you shall be well.”

Life will have distressing moments. Nobody ever lives without times of trouble and lowness. It is part of the package called life. But how do we come out of times of emotional pain? What are some strategies that could bring relief to the soul at such troubled times?

Worship is one way. Worship is powerful. Listening to worship leaders ministering to the Lord, is a powerful tool for personal deliverance and elevation. Not all worship music is worship and not all praise singers are anointed by God to lead in ministry. But there are those called and set apart for this, and when they do minister, heaven comes down.

Heaven responds to the right type of worship. When men on earth begin to worship in the same texture as heavenly worship, the glory of heaven is released on earth, and lives are impacted and transformed by this. Worship music is powerful, and that is why worship is ever happening in heaven. Glory and power are connected to worship.

When Saul’s servants saw his dilemma, they asked for permission to go and find a man who was skillful in leading worship so that the spirit distressing him could leave. Note that these types of spirits do not just leave at will. They are forced to leave because a greater force comes into being. Worship invites God’s presence; that greatest force that none can resist.

However, the persons leading worship must have a right spirit before God. God is not primarily concerned about the musical skill of worship leaders, but their hearts. Unfortunately, many have turned worship and praise sessions into entertainment and performance, rather than ministry time to God. For God to move on the earth through worship, the worship leader is key.

David’s heart was right. David was a man after God’s heart. When he played his instrument and worshipped, it was like the worship taking place in heaven. David’s worship was a sweet aroma to God, and it compelled God to draw near. This is the power of correct worship.

Let’s draw near to God and invite Him into our businesses, through worship. Worship alone. Find gifted worship leaders and minister to the Lord with them. God wants to be ministered to in worship. God moves when we worship. Tap into this grace that heaven has gifted us with.


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