1 Samuel 22:1 (NKJV)
“David therefore departed from there and escaped to the cave of Adullam. So when his brothers and all his father’s house heard it, they went down there to him.”
Who are your family? Do they stand with you? Do they believe in you? Do they doubt and question you? Who do you consider your family? Do they feel loved and received? These are a few questions we’d like to answer today.
Note that your strength is largely reflected in your family cords. You are weaker when you isolate yourself from family. Family bonds were designed by God to be anchors of grace for your life. But unfortunately, many don’t have this.
The fundamental question is: “Who is your family?” In our largely Western-influenced mindset, family has been reduced to mean the nuclear home. But this is far from the truth. True family is much wider than that.
True family is the spectrum of blood lines that flow through several people. It includes parents, siblings, uncles, aunts, cousins, in-laws, spouse, and children. True family life is not just husband, wife and children.
In Biblical times as in many African and Asian societies today, family ties reach many generations and spread wide across board. Societies that operate this way are much more stable than isolationist societies today.
Your community of trusted friends and the Church of God are also part of the strategic bonds of family. However, we must not reject our blood-tie family because of these trusted friends and brethren. They should complement and not replace.
We need to fight off isolationist thinking that focuses only on the nuclear home. Don’t get me wrong. The nuclear home is vital to the entire fabric of family. A man must leave father and mother and be joined to his wife. But he does not disown father and mother.
David had a robust family structure behind him. Many loved him and believed in him. When he escaped to the cave of Adullam, the Bible says, “his brothers and all his father’s house…went down there to him.” Do you have this type of support behind you?
It’s time to recover fresh faith and energy to rebuild these ties…starting today!