November 15, 2024

1 Samuel 22:5 (NKJV)
“Now the prophet Gad said to David, ‘Do not stay in the stronghold; depart, and go to the land of Judah.’ So David departed and went into the forest of Hereth.”

Listen to counsel especially when that counsel comes from people who fear God. Of course, it’s important to judge all counsel by God’s Spirit but be open to listen to godly counsel even when it’s difficult to obey.

God sees the future and He knows what’s ahead of you. He will send you words of warning and guidance to protect and preserve you. And one of the ways God speaks, is through His trusted servants. Please listen.

Never become so independent that you don’t receive from others. Be humble enough to know that you don’t have full custody of knowledge and wisdom. Even if you don’t agree with what you are being told, still listen.

Some advice may seem wrong and yet they are God’s voice. Some advice may take you away from your comfort zone, and yet it is God’s will. God’s voice may not bring immediate comfort but it will sustain you.

Gad was not a well-known prophet, and David could have easily chosen to dismiss his words, but he didn’t. David was secure in the stronghold of Adulam but Gad’s counsel asked him to move to the forest of Hereth. This was not a comfortable move.

But thank God David listened because we later see that Saul found out from Doeg, the direction David had taken. David did not know this but God, seeing the future, was redirecting David into a place of safety.

God sees. God speaks. But many times, He does this through His people. Be very open to listen. As pilgrims, one way to measure your spirituality is by your level of openness to godly counsel. The spiritual man easily receives guidance.

We will not be obstinate. We will not be full of our own ways. We will not assume we are better than others. We will not close the door of counsel. We need to hear Him, and He will speak. God is speaking through men around us. Please listen.


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