December 11, 2024

1 Samuel 22:23 (NKJV)
“Stay with me; do not fear. For he who seeks my life seeks your life, but with me you shall be safe.”

Interestingly, David offered hope and shelter to Abiathar when he was homeless and running for his life. But David understood something really precious, and that’s that vulnerability comes in measures.

Each of us has problems, and we all are vulnerable in some way, but we are not all at the same stage of need. Some are more needy than others, and some are more hopeless than others. Don’t place yourself in the same category as others.

Deal in the currency of hope. Even if you are plagued with many problems, there are many who may have fewer problems than you but are more hopeless. Give hope to others despite you yourself struggling to find hope.

You are better than many others. It could be because of your faith journey or maybe because you have a stronger support system than them, but for some reason, God has placed you in a place where you can strengthen the weaker around you. Please do so.

David had no home at this time but he asked Abiathar to come with him. David did not know how he would survive Saul’s schemes and death threats, yet he told Abiathar that he would be safe with him. David had something Abiathar did not have.

In a world of growing hopelessness, let your anchor in Christ be the hope that gives stability to many. Let your words and your mannerisms provide assurance to people who are increasingly uncertain about the future.

God has been good to us. Through the storms and fire of life, God has taught us many ingrained lessons. God has given us anchors that keep us stable even amid many crises. God has schooled us in the school of perseverance. Therefore, we must help others.

One of our life ambitions should be to help others who struggle to believe in God’s goodness. Despite being plagued by a thousand fears and struggles, we still have hope. Let’s, therefore, make it our duty to help those around us who need the grace we have freely received.


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