DECLARATIONS #1: Divine Protection

December 27, 2024

1 Samuel 23:14
“And David stayed in strongholds in the wilderness, and remained in the mountains in the Wilderness of Ziph. Saul sought him every day, but God did not deliver him into his hand.”

In the coming days, we will look at five things the Lord will do for you, and we will make several spiritual declarations around these five things. All declarations are extracted from David’s encounters with Saul.

The first declaration is divine protection. Satan has one goal for your life, and that is to destroy you, but God has one goal for your life as well, and that is to save you. God is committed to giving you His divine protection. Believe this.

Concerning David, the Bible says that “God did not deliver him in his (Saul’s) hand.” If the Lord does not open the door, Satan cannot get to you. David’s life was not in Saul’s hands. David’s life was in the Lord’s hands. And so is yours.

One of the ways God will protect you is to show you where to stay safe. David stayed in different strongholds. He stayed in the strongholds in the wilderness, in the mountains, and in the forests. These were God’s protection mechanisms for him.

God will create your strongholds for you. These may be people, systems, or situations. When Saul’s hatred comes against you, God will usher you into your stronghold. But you need to cooperate with the Lord because He knows best.

Jesus is our primary stronghold. Irrespective of whether you are on the mountain, wilderness, or forest, you need to stay close to Jesus. He is the promise of God to save those who trust in Him. Satan constantly changes strategy, but Jesus is always a step ahead.

Don’t trust in your wisdom or your capacity. Trust in Him, who is faithful and able to keep you safe. He is the sure stronghold for every day and every season. Put your hopes in Him, and don’t be distracted away from Him.

In the Lord’s name, you are safe within the stronghold of Jesus. Irrespective of what Satan has planned against you, the Lord will not hand you over to him. You will always experience divine guidance away from harm’s way. And you will not be cut short. In Jesus name. (Say, Amen).


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