1 Samuel 24:7
“So David restrained his servants with these words, and did not allow them to rise against Saul. And Saul got up from the cave and went on his way.”
Although the Lord has said vengeance is His prerogative (Romans 12:19), our human nature finds it hard to accept this. Something in us wants to avenge those who have hurt us or who we perceive have hurt us. This is human nature.
But as pilgrims, we are not called to be vengeful. We are called to be gracious. When we can take revenge on those who did us wrong, we should not use it. On the contrary, God says, “Feed your enemy if he is hungry.” (Romans 12:20)
Of course, this does not mean we should tolerate evil and promote wrongdoing. Not at all. If we need to rebuke or correct someone who did evil, and we have the authority to enforce the sanction, we should do so. But that’s different from vengefulness.
Let’s separate corrective action from vengefulness. A vengeful person is motivated by the need to cause or afflict pain as a retribution for past actions. Vengeful people are usually bitter and angry.
We are not called to be bitter towards those who have wronged us. As mentioned above, Jesus commands us to love even our enemies and do good to those who despise us. This is tough, but such is the pilgrim life. It’s a tough calling.
When David had the opportunity to strike Saul down, he did not take it. His men were ready to kill Saul, but the Bible says that David “restrained his servants…and did not allow them to rise against Saul.” He insisted on not being vengeful.
I am sure that David’s men must have been confused and bewildered. As we walk with Jesus, may our gracious actions confuse and bewilder those around us. To take vengeance is the easiest and most natural way. But we don’t follow our human nature.
As pilgrims, may we daily die to the desires of the old nature and be filled with the Spirit. This is the only way we can live above the appetites of the Old Man. While forgiveness is painful, those who live by the Spirit have no other option. We follow Christ.
January 13, 2025