DAY 27: I ache

January 24, 2017

 ‘Lord, I ache for Your return. I ache from living in this world. I struggle between the need to be fruitful here and to do all that this world expects of me, and the longing to be with You. I see You in shadows now, but I can’t wait to see You in person. The flowers of this world may smell nice, but it is not enough to keep my heart from longing for the flowers of heaven. I gaze above in eager expectation for Your coming. When, O Lord, shall it be? When shall mortality be swallowed up in immortality? When shall I see the radiant face of my Beloved? I ache every day I must be away from You. I know it shall be soon, but it is hard to  wait. In the meantime Lord, do not let my heart settle for the comforts of this world. I will use what I need and enjoy what I must, but may all their pleasures put together not dim the strong desires I feel for You. Satan’s greatest mischief is to make us happy and contented here. But I refuse this Lord.

There is more beyond. I know there is much more. For the hope of the future, I will live. From the necessities and vanities of life I will endure and accommodate for the brief period, I must be here. It is all a short period, even if I live a hundred years. Compared to the broad scope of life in eternity with my God, this brief time on earth is insignificant. Even the joys of the earth cannot compare to a short moment with You my Lord. Even the good and right things here are but shadows compared to what is ahead. I ache for that day when I shall behold Your face, my Lord. I ache in waiting. My heart refuses to rest and I glide through life, fulfilling all my mundane duties, but my heart is not here. Like the bride who cannot wait for the arrival of her groom, so I wait, restless for my Groom. O come Lord Jesus. Come quickly. Amen.’


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