Romans 1:16 (NKJV)
“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ…”
The world is out to silence the gospel of Christ and one way to do that is by bringing shame to the gospel and to those associated with it. I refuse to be silenced, and I refuse for the gospel to be silenced. I know what the gospel has done to me and for me. I know where I was before I met the gospel and I can testify any day that without the gospel, my life would have been completely wasted.
I owe my life to the gospel of Christ and I refuse to be silent about it. If Christ means anything to you, then refuse this intimidation from the world. They want to pressure us to deny the life and potency in the gospel. They want to make us feel old fashioned and outdated if we stuck with the gospel. They want to put fear in our hearts so that we hide our pride in the gospel. But we must not let that happen. We must never budge or change direction on the issue of the gospel of Christ. We are “never-changing-old-time believers” in the veracity and accuracy of the gospel of Christ; and while the whole world will eventually pass away, this gospel will exist forever. Amen.
“Yes, Lord, I believe and I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ. Nothing can make me change my mind or intimidate me. I am loyal and will remain loyal to the gospel of Christ. Amen.”