When difficulties come, before blaming Satan for it, ask if God is using this situation to wake you up and draw you...
A Pilgrim Reflection
There is power when we intercede for a people or a nation even when they deserve judgement. Always stand in the gap....
A Pilgrim Reflection
Break the famine of God’s Word by truthfully speaking God’s heartbeat. Don’t be a professional orator with God’s...
A Pilgrim Reflection
Listen to Him and speak. Speak the mind of God always because there are many who speak in God’s name but don’t speak...
A Pilgrim Reflection
God is watching. Watch what you do to people because the Lord will pay back. Good will yield good and vice versa.
A Pilgrim Reflection
Obedience is a choice. Even when it’s difficult, ask God for the grace to obey rather than choose to run away.
A Pilgrim Reflection
Knowing God’s will and choosing to go against God’s will lead to storms in your life. God Himself will send you...
Pilgrim Reflections
You can’t be everyone’s friend. You can’t please everyone. Stop over-stretching yourself. Do what you can & then...
1 Samuel 25:35“So David received from her hand what she had brought him, and said to her, ‘Go up in peace to your...
A Pilgrim Reflection
He is our refuge. Our God is our strong tower. When the pestilence of life comes, we have a safe place to run to. Run...
1 Samuel 25:34“For indeed, as the LORD God of Israel lives, who has kept me back from hurting you, unless you had...
A Pilgrim Reflection
So many need help to take the right decision. Many are undecided and confused. In love, let’s engage with men and...
A Pilgrim Reflection
Don’t fight them. God’s watching. All who plunder us will receive their due recompense in God’s timing. God never...
A Pilgrim Reflection
The nations who rejoice today will be put on trial. God will bring judgement to those who have turned their backs on...
A Pilgrim Reflection
The fortunes of God’s people will be restored. According to the promise of God, a divine visitation is coming that...
1 Samuel 25:33“And blessed is your advice and blessed are you, because you have kept me this day from coming to...
A Pilgrim Reflection
God wants everyone to be saved but not everyone will be saved. God’s salvation is tied to personal faith. Our greatest...
A Pilgrim Reflection
Our God is a God of progressive revelation. With new seasons, He opens our eyes to see and understand things in deeper...
A Pilgrim Reflection
God wants to work wonders in you and through you. This is His will for you in Christ Jesus. Do you believe this? If...
A Pilgrim Reflection
You’ve lost a lot in the past but don’t dwell on the past. There’s a future full of new blessings. Our God specializes...
A Pilgrim Reflection
Our God sends the early and the latter rains to those who believe. If you’ve received the early rains, it’s time to...
A Pilgrim Reflection
Let gladness overtake your fears because the Lord is present. “Rejoice and be glad,” says the Lord. It’s time to...
A Pilgrim Reflection
Rejoicing must be in the Lord. All other joys fade away. True joy can only come from above. And this is your...
A Pilgrim Reflection
The Lord is jealous for His people. He cannot stand us living another above Him. He demands total affection and...
A Pilgrim Reflection
We have been greatly distracted by the things of this life. God’s heart is calling out to us. “Return to Me,” the Lord...
A Pilgrim Reflection
God’s Army. The Lord Himself goes ahead of them. His voice thunders before them. They hear Him and move with great...
A Pilgrim Reflection
God’s Army. They are earnest people. They crawl. They climb. They persevere until they achieve their goal for God’s...
A Pilgrim Reflection
God’s Army. They maintain order as they press forward. They don’t jostle for position. Each man knows his role and...
1 Samuel 25:17“Now therefore, know and consider what you will do, for harm is determined against our master and...
A Pilgrim Reflection
God’s Army. Nothing deters them. They leap over every mountain and cross every valley. A people that cannot be...