While we must take primary responsibility for the call of God upon our lives and need to respond accordingly and primarily to God, there is a need for accountability in ministry. Wrong doctrines and wrong ways of living develop when we don’t submit ourselves to others in the calling of God.
Paul, after his time in Arabia and Damascus and having started ministry with the multitude of revelations he’d had, he still went back after 3 years to consult with Peter. It was after having this time with Peter that he was able to go full blast into the regions of Syria and Cilicia. Who are you accountable to? Or have you walked your Christian Faith without anyone being an accountability partner? Who checks up on you? If there is no one actively involved in your life as an accountability partner, then you are walking on very dangerous grounds. If the Apostle Paul needed to check up with Peter, I think we all need to have such a person in our lives also.
‘Lord, grant me the constant humility to check my life & ministry with others. Help me to see the need of input from others & to give them opportunity to invest into my life. Deliver me from pride but help me demonstrate Christlikeness by having people I submit to. Amen.’